Our Partners

We are on this journey together

Here, at D.A. Team we place great value on the relationships we have with our corporate partners.

As part of this relationship, we always strive for collaborations that advance our growth, in Israel and worldwide, as technological leaders and suppliers of quality services for our clients.

Over the years, the D.A. Team has established and preserved long-running, mutually beneficial partnerships with leading companies in the field of BI. Through these partnerships, we have introduced the innovative idea that any organization can make smarter processes using data and to thereby create organizations that are Data Driven.

Our partnerships are of top priority to our company.

Our business partners are a key asset to our company and contribute greatly to our growth.

We believe thar a true partnership is a two-way street — ideas and information flow openly and regularly, based on a foundation of mutual trust and respect for each other’s expertise — and our partners embrace this philosophy.

Meet our key partners

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